Hisie morne nandesse enyalio...
Aredhel went forth in blossom white
Upon her brow a gleaming star
To where the moon in darkest night
In silver bends her from afar.
'Neath umbels dancing near the pool
Her beauty shines into the day
And bore to Anair; in Fingolfin’s rule
She listens to its harpers lay
But years did pass o’er tree and stone
And she did vanish from men’s sight
Like a leaf in winter from Turgon blown
Through forests darkling in deepest night
To forests dark in lesser years
She roamed the night of Noldor’s ways
but passed through darkness shining bitter fears and
Fresh in the loss of ebon days
She took the roads to Western sea
Made the choice her (???) in needs
To love no rowan berries red and
Fight the darkness with bravery, deeds.
In Gondolin she dwelt, but never spoke
To live by (???) beauty lost
And dream of forests of aon and bar
In morning dew and winter’s frost.
JRR Tolkien

Upon her brow a gleaming star
To where the moon in darkest night
In silver bends her from afar.
'Neath umbels dancing near the pool
Her beauty shines into the day
And bore to Anair; in Fingolfin’s rule
She listens to its harpers lay
But years did pass o’er tree and stone
And she did vanish from men’s sight
Like a leaf in winter from Turgon blown
Through forests darkling in deepest night
To forests dark in lesser years
She roamed the night of Noldor’s ways
but passed through darkness shining bitter fears and
Fresh in the loss of ebon days
She took the roads to Western sea
Made the choice her (???) in needs
To love no rowan berries red and
Fight the darkness with bravery, deeds.
In Gondolin she dwelt, but never spoke
To live by (???) beauty lost
And dream of forests of aon and bar
In morning dew and winter’s frost.
JRR Tolkien

Поверх лба сияя звездой,
Туда, где луна в темнейшей ночи
Серебром склонялась к ней.
Под шатрами танцевала она перед окоемом,
Красотой своей блеща в свете дня,
Рождена Анайрэ в правлении Финголфина,
Она слушала лэ арфистов своего отца,
Но годы легли в камень и древо,
И она исчезла с глаз* Тургона,
Будто лист, унесенный зимним ветром,
Сквозь тьму лесов в глубочайшей ночи.
Меньшими годами скиталась она
Во мрачных лесах путями Нолдор,
Но прошла сквозь тьму к новым потерям и огорчениям
Она выбрала путь к Западному морю,
Был ли её выбор нуждой?
Не любила ягод красной рябины
И храбро боролась с тьмой
В Гондолине она пребывала, но не было сказано никогда,
Что утрачена красота (?)
И дремлют леса одиноко и стойко (?)
В утренней росе и зимою в инее (?)
автор - JRR Tolkien
перевод - Rinsant